Saturday, April 25, 2015

Wounded Veterans Disrespected by Florida Fraternities

In a recent article, wounded veterans and their service animals were assaulted by members of two fraternities during spring break in Panama City.  Allegations included spitting; pouring beer on them and their service animals; verbal profanity; and lastly, lewd comments made about their spouses.  The two fraternities were alleged to have been from the University of Florida and Emory University, or Zeta Beta Tau fraternity.  The general revelry spring break that takes place nationwide fueled by alcohol and drugs typifies this environment where young people are encouraged to participate in this debauchery.  Again, this is the same environment where a young woman was alleged to have been drugged and gang raped by three men while being recorded as other party goers did nothing, in broad daylight and public!  Panama City tolerates this general type of behavior as they're a tourist town and this brings in money to the local economy, but at what point do we as a society draw the line?  Rape?  Assault of veterans and their service animals?  Please keep in mind that if they have service animals, they are very likely to be legally disabled making this doubly disgusting and abhorrent.  John Stuart Mills advocates that everyone should live to increase happiness and decrease unhappiness, but so long as it doesn't harm anyone.  With that said, I'm in complete concurrence and agreement, and if these members of the fraternity are caught for this type of assault to disabled veterans and their service animals, they shall be prosecuted.  However, a retributive approach will deal with this from a statutory aspect, but how do we instill empathy in these young men who will presumably go on to potentially lead industry in their chosen areas of study?  Perhaps community service post-prosecution with veterans and their service animals would be very appropriate to return the "unequal unequals" back to an equal state.  As an active duty member of the armed services, I don't get wrapped around the axle when I hear of a veteran being treated differently, regardless of how terrible it may be so long as no one is harmed.  I understand that not everyone agrees with my service nor do they agree with what we do; however, if they're being systematically assaulted and targeted specifically because of this, I do absolutely take issue here with their behavior.  If they're prosecuted of any relevant crime related to this, I would like to see them have to do community service with the very people they targeted and tormented in an effort to hopefully change their perspective and redeem what lack of humanity these young people chose to exude during these incidents.


Rosenstand, N. (2013). The Moral of the Story (7th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.

Stapleton, A. (2015, April 24). Wounded veterans say fraternity boys disrespected them - Retrieved April 25, 2015, from

Murgatroyd, J. (2015, April 16). Panama City rape: 'Spring break as we know it is over' - Retrieved April 25, 2015, from

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